Category: General


am kommenden Samstag, 13.04.2024 ist escapium bei der langen Nacht der Startups und Kulturen in Mannheim am Start! An 6 Locations erwartet euch eine spannende Escape Ralley! Unter allen Teilnehmenden verlosen wir 3 Gutscheine im Wert von je 180€! Haltet Ausschau nach unseren Rollups und scannt den QR-Code, um an der Rallye teilzunehmen.
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Wall of Fame - The best teams will be honored with a place on the high score list

Die Wall of Fame bei Escapium - Eine besondere Geste der Anerkennung Die Wall of Fame bei Escapium ist mehr als nur eine Liste von Namen und Zahlen. Es ist eine besondere Geste der Anerkennung für die Spieler, die ihre Fähigkeiten und ihr Engagement in den Missionen des Escape Rooms unter Beweis stellen. Die Spieler, die es auf die Wall of Fame schaffen, haben nicht nur ihre Mission erfolgreich abgeschlossen, sondern haben auch eine außergewöhnliche Leistung erbracht, die über die normale Teilnahme am Spiel hinausgeht. Ihre Namen werden auf der Wall of Fame verewigt und bleiben für immer Teil der Geschichte von escapium.
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Bring your international team together in our escape rooms - team building now also supported in different languages

Für Firmen, die ein unvergessliches Team Building bei escapium erleben möchten, haben wir gute Neuigkeiten! Ab sofort unterstützen wir alle Escape Rooms auch in englischer Sprache, was bedeutet, dass Kollegen und Freunde aus dem Ausland ebenfalls an den Abenteuern teilnehmen können. Dies wurde durch unsere fortschrittliche Text-to-Speech-Technologie ermöglicht, die auf modernen neuronalen Netzen basiert.
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New room: look forward to Aunt Uschi's Bar

Es ist endlich soweit: Ein neues Thema wurde im Escaperoom eröffnet und es heißt "Tante Uschis Bar". Die Bar ist das Urgestein im Mannheimer Jungbusch und war schon immer ein Anziehungspunkt für Kapitäne und Matrosen. Hier konnten sie sich richtig auslassen und amüsieren, während hin und wieder illegale Pokerspiele stattfanden. Doch bei eurem Besuch in der Bar findet ihr sie leer vor. Wo ist Tante Uschi? Könnt ihr sie finden oder etwas ganz anderes in dieser Szene-Kneipe entdecken? Ihr habt nur eine Stunde Zeit, bevor eure Crew vom Kapitän zurückgerufen wird. Als besonderes Highlight kann man jetzt ein Getränke-Package oben drauf buchen, was das 80er Jahre-Vergnügen noch authentischer in der Bar macht. Also, seid bereit für eine spannende Reise in die Welt von Tante Uschis Bar im Escaperoom.
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Notes & rules

english below

Welcome to escapium

By participating in one of our escape room adventures, you declare that you have read and accepted the information below.

All participants confirm this with their signature.

  1. It is not permitted to bring your own items (cell phones, bags, cameras, etc.) into our escape rooms. We will ask you to store these items in one of our free lockers. Escapium accepts no liability for the wardrobe or contents of the lockers
  2. Visibly intoxicated persons may be denied access to our premises. Our employees exercise domiciliary rights
  3. Participation in our games is at your own risk and responsibility. escapium accepts no liability for injuries or damage resulting from negligence on the part of visitors or from failure to follow the instructions of our staff
  4. Children under the age of 14 are only permitted to enter our escape rooms if accompanied by an adult
  5. We use light and sound effects in many of our rooms. This can have a frightening effect, especially on children
  6. Persons with cardiovascular diseases, claustrophobia or similar illnesses are advised to contact us before the game
  7. Our rooms are under camera surveillance for your safety
  8. Real wood, real metal and real glass are used in our escape rooms. Please take care not to injure yourself. There is also the possibility that items of clothing may become dirty. escapium accepts no liability in this case.
  9. Our escape rooms are always unlocked and can be left at any time. However, leaving the room ends the game for the person leaving the room
  10. Willful destruction of our facilities will not be tolerated. Our staff is therefore entitled to expel the perpetrators from the premises without reimbursement of costs. In addition, escapium reserves the right to assert claims for damages
  11. Users undertake not to share any game elements of escapium, including tasks, layout, puzzles, furnishings, game sequence and structure, with third parties or to use them for their own or third parties' commercial purposes. The taking of photos or videos on our premises is only permitted with our written consent
  12. If these instructions are not accepted, participation in the game will be refused

Notes & rules

Welcome to escapium

By participating in one of our escape room adventures, you declare that you have read and accepted the information below.

All participants confirm this with their signature.

  1. It is not permitted to bring your own items (cell phones, bags, cameras, etc.) into our escape rooms. We will ask you to store these items in one of our free lockers. Escapium accepts no liability for the wardrobe or contents of the lockers
  2. Visibly intoxicated persons may be denied access to our premises. Our employees exercise domiciliary rights
  3. Participation in our games is at your own risk and responsibility. escapium accepts no liability for injuries or damage caused by negligence on the part of visitors or by disregarding the instructions of our staff.
  4. Children under the age of 14 are only permitted to enter our escape rooms if accompanied by an adult
  5. We use light and sound effects in many of our rooms. This can be frightening, especially for children
  6. People with cardiovascular diseases, claustrophobia or similar illnesses are advised to contact us before playing the game
  7. Our rooms are camera-monitored for your safety
  8. We use real wood, real metal and real glass in our escape rooms. Please take care not to injure yourself. There is also the possibility that items of clothing may get dirty. escapium accepts no liability in this case.
  9. Our escape rooms are always unlocked and can be left at any time. However, the game ends for the person leaving the room when they leave it
  10. Willful destruction of our facilities will not be tolerated. Our staff is therefore entitled to expel the perpetrators from the premises without reimbursement of costs. In addition, escapium reserves the right to assert claims for damages
  11. Users undertake not to share any game elements from escapium, including tasks, layout, puzzles, furnishings, game sequence and structure, with third parties or to use them for their own or third-party commercial purposes. The taking of photos or videos on our premises is only permitted with our written consent
  12. Participation in the game will be refused if these instructions are not accepted